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Mar 8, 2016

Is it Business As Usual in the F.F.B.?

Cruz Gamez

Notwithstanding the disappointing outcome of Sunday’s meeting, Gamez told the media that they are all working in the best interest of football and will continue to serve under Vicente’s leadership.  Chuc, on the other hand, says that F.F.B. is continuing with its current election cycle.


Cruz Gamez, Executive, F.F.B.

“We had a long discussion with the gentleman from FIFA and we discussed several issues.  One of the main issues that we touched was the statutes of the federation, along with the statutes of the district association and of the league.  We realize and they realize that we have many issues with those statutes and they need to be revised and one of the recommendations that we made and they agreed is that the statutes need to be revised very urgently.  With the question with the rift that you say that we have with the president, I believe that we are here to work for football.  Three of us are here to want to see football progress and I won’t take that away from the president as well to say that he wants to see football progress.  And I do believe that we will have our differences and we will always have our differences because of the way he has been conducting football in Belize.  But that doesn’t mean that we cannot sit down and try to find dialogue and trying to fix certain issues that is hampering our football.”


Sergio Chuc


“Okay.  Gentlemen, what happens with the election?  Will there be an oversight mechanism from FIFA or CONCACAF in place because we know you all made the allegation that there was manipulation of the process and so it wasn’t fair or transparent.”


Sergio Chuc, First Vice President, F.F.B.

“The elections have started and I think they will be finishing off with the district level next week and only the league will be up I think towards the end of the month.  But an electoral committee is already in place and the legal people from FIFA are saying that there’s not much that FIFA or CONCACAF can do because the electoral committee is already in place, a legal electoral committee that was elected by the congress of the F.F.B.  So the elections continue as they have already started.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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