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Mar 11, 2016

Future of Citrus Growers’ Payroll Still Uncertain

Today, Citrus Products of Belize Limited was expected to have released last week’s fruit payment to growers since there is an existing delay with Heritage Bank awaiting approval from the Central Bank to release the remaining funds.  In light of the setback, CPBL was not in a position to release last week’s fruit payroll on the regular schedule.  As it relates to this week’s fruit payroll, the company will have to postpone payment again until additional funds become available.  While the Central Bank was scheduled to meet with Heritage Bank on Wednesday, CPBL has not been brought up to speed concerning the outcome of that meeting.  On Tuesday, during the house meeting Prime Minister Barrow commented on the citrus woes which the industry has been grappling with for the past several weeks.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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