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Home » Crime, Environment » Salvadoran National Caught Fishing Illegally in Cockscomb Basin
Mar 14, 2016

Salvadoran National Caught Fishing Illegally in Cockscomb Basin

Dangriga police have detained a Salvadoran national who was illegally fishing and hunting in the Cockscomb Basin Natural Reserve.  On Friday morning, Belize Defense Force soldiers and rangers were on patrol in the area when they spotted two men in a kayak who attempted to escape detention by jumping into the Swasey River. Of the two, thirty-nine year old Jaime Alexander Arita Diego, who resides in Bella Vista Village, was detained by the patrol. Inside the kayak a sixteen gauge shotgun and six cartridges, were found. Arita was detained and has been charged for the possession of unlicensed firearm and ammunition.

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