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Mar 14, 2016

Food & Agriculture Organization Joins G.O.B. and Petrocaribe in Signing Agreement

Emilio Montero

The action plan, says Montero, a representative of the Ministry of Agriculture, will also assist in mitigating post-harvest losses.


Emilio Montero, Ministry of Agriculture

“The geographic area that has been selected through the FAO is the Toledo District in six communities along the new Southern Highway.  As you are very well aware there is a new Southern Highway that Belize has developed in Toledo and it will be addressing, as Luis is saying, food security.  It has to do with improving production of corn and beans which as you all know is staple food for the people of Toledo, improving production and also reducing post-harvest losses when it comes to storage.  So it will address all of those needs and among the six villages, we’re looking at six thousand people who will be benefiting from this project as well.”


The brief ceremony was held this afternoon at the PetroCaribe Office in Belize City.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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