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Mar 16, 2016

Patrick Faber – No Indications of Discontent Followed Gapi’s Change of Portfolio

Patrick Faber

It is highly speculated that Vega stepped down after the portfolio for the Ministry of Natural Resources was given to an unelected minister, Godwin Hulse. But was this what triggered his resignation from politics?


Patrick Faber, U.D.P. Minister

“That’s a question I think you best ask Mister Vega. From what is presented to us and I have said on the record already that in terms of the removal of Ministry of Natural Resources from the portfolio of the D.P.M. at no time in the party were we officially informed of any kind of disgruntlement in that regard. We understand Mr. Vega has an intention not to move on as simply as he said that this is his last run is the issue with many of my other colleagues. You have heard Minister Finnegan say that sometimes you have heard of course Honorable Boots Martinez, you know that the Prime Minister’s position is very similar and you know that Minister Vega has had three terms so this is not surprising at all and I think that what he is proposing to do by stepping down as the first deputy and deputy Prime Minister is in effect saying the party is bigger than I am. I know that I am not going to continue so let’s give a fresh start to the position, let’s see if we can put somebody in there who can better assist the Prime Minster now but also assist the party in terms of generating the kind of life, not that we are lifeless, you know that we are a party that is alive and kicking but generate the energy that we need to trust our party even a step further into that fourth term.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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