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Mar 16, 2016

Aspiring Deputy Leader John Saldivar Comments on Vega’s Departure

Gaspar Vega

The unanticipated letter of resignation from Deputy Party Leader Gaspar Vega, relinquishing his post as second-in-command of the ruling United Democratic Party, has created a leadership vacuum within the hierarchy of the U.D.P.   The formal notice, ahead of Sunday’s endorsement convention in Dangriga, has taken everyone by surprise.  Despite the timeliness of the announcement of Vega’s departure from electoral politics, expressions of interest from at least three ranking members of the party have been tendered.  Among them is Belmopan Area Representative John Saldivar.  On Tuesday, he told the media that he is intent on vying for the post of Deputy Party Leader…


John Saldivar, Area Representative, Belmopan

“We certainly were surprised.  We certainly respect his decision.  It’s a big loss, there’s no doubt that it is a big loss to our party.  Mr. Vega had contributed greatly to our success from 2006 when, I believe, he became the deputy leader.  He helped us tremendously in the north, in terms of building up the support to where it currently is, where we have five seats out of eight.  And so he will be missed but it is his personal decision and we have to respect that.”


John Saldivar

Isani Cayetano

“Where does that place you as someone whom it has been said repeatedly that you have an interest in moving up in the ranks, so to speak?”


John Saldivar

“Simply to say that I still have that interest.  If my party chooses for me to move up.”



“Will you be vying for the vacant seat of deputy though?”


John Saldivar

“I do believe, if as soon as the party decides what the new process will be to move to that next level, I remain interested, I remain ready if called upon to serve my party and my country in a higher capacity.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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