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Mar 18, 2016

Cinderella Plaza to Finally be Renovated

Darrell Bradley

In the coming weeks, Cinderella Plaza will be receiving a long overdue facelift.  Following the completion of work by the Flood Mitigation Infrastructure Project, the heavily trafficked area near the intersections of Douglas Jones Street and Freetown Road had been left somewhat neglected.  After a brief finger-pointing between the Belize City Council and the contractors of the internationally funded project, it has been agreed that CitCo will take on the cost of rejuvenating the location.  According to Mayor Bradley, the sprucing up of Cinderella Plaza is part of a larger scheme that will be rolled out within the next few weeks.


Darrell Bradley, Belize City Mayor

“One of the things that we’re doing is, it’s part of a much larger project, the city council will very shortly unveil an approximately one point six million dollar project which will see us doing about five or six streets, including Cinderella Plaza, the remaining portion of Baymen Avenue.  We’re also going to do the entire remaining length of St. Joseph Street.  We are going to do West Canal and the section of East Canal that was unfinished.  We are going to finish University Drive so that this program is something that we want to launch within the coming week.  We wanted to launch this week but because of some of the numbers and so forth we were going back and forth and we’re not there yet but work will start within the next week on all of those streets.  We’re also, we’ve worked out with the contractor who gave us what we would consider substandard work, in relation to some of the streets, I know that people were criticizing, as far as Cemetery Road, we did the renovated works there and the city council applied the retention that we had to use that funds for doing that work.  The works along Mosul Street as well would be completed tomorrow, that’s going to be, the contractor agreed to hot mix the entire length so that you have, the base is still good in terms of the compaction.  The cement work was of poor quality so that what they’re doing, they’re putting a layer of hot mix and we require them to do the hot mix because it would have interrupted traffic.  To a minimal degree they started the work today and it should be finished tomorrow, so that we’re working on those hotspot areas.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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