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Mar 18, 2016

Did Oscar Gomez Fatally Stab Himself or was He Murdered?

Oscar Gomez

It’s not commonplace for News Five to report on suicides, but tonight we look at a particularly disturbing story where a Salvadoran man allegedly took his own life on Thursday evening in the Lord’s Bank area of Ladyville. Police investigations are ongoing into the stabbing death of Oscar Gomez and a brief was held this morning to discuss the latest incident in the Rural Eastern Division. News Five’s Duane Moody reports.


Duane Moody, Reporting

The upper flat of this incomplete two storey cement and wooden structure on Cahal Pech Lane in Lord’s Bank is where forty-one-year-old Oscar Gomez reportedly stabbed himself multiple times in the neck with a knife. The Salvadoran national was with a friend when the incident happened.


ACP Edward Broaster, Regional Commander, Rural Eastern Division

“Yesterday at six-forty-five p.m., we received a call of an individual inflicting stab wounds to himself in the Lord’s Bank area at number 207 Cahal Pech Street. Our Rural Rapid Response went to the area where they discovered one Oscar Ulysis Castillo Gomez, forty-one years old, suffering from stab wounds to the neck and bleeding profusely. Ambulance was called but nevertheless there was some difficulty getting the ambulance to the location after which our mobile proceeded to take the victim to the K.H.M.H. where he was pronounced dead on arrival.”


The blood trail along the steps leading to the upper flat is a telltale sign that Gomez hemorrhaged before being rushed to the K.H.M.H.  The Rural Eastern Division officers are not taking the report at face value and a thorough investigation is being conducted to determine what actually happened.


Edward Broaster

ACP Edward Broaster

“At this time, we are interviewing witnesses including Alex Williams who was with the deceased and some neighbors to try and piece together what may have occurred leading to the death of Mister Gomez. We have no clue at this time what would have led Mister Gomez to take his life. We are not ruling anything out. We are investigating this matter thoroughly and as soon as we wrap up the investigation, we will let the public know exactly what our investigation reveal into this matter.”


Reports are that the men were intoxicated when the incident occurred.



“Has there been any report from anybody that you’ve interviewed so far that the gentleman was consuming alcohol or doing any kind of drugs prior to him allegedly inflicting these wounds to himself?”


ACP Edward Broaster

“It is alleged that he was drinking but we are awaiting the autopsy to confirm whether he had alcohol concentration above the prescribed limit. We know that he was acting strange based on an eyewitness prior to his demise and also he was crying and emotional prior to his demise.”


The knife used to inflict the deadly stabs has since been recovered and investigations continue. Duane Moody for News Five.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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