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Jul 8, 2016

CODICADER Games Day 2; How’s Belize Doing?

The 2016 CODICADER Games continued today in Belize City, Orange Walk, Belmopan and San Ignacio where a number of tournaments, including basketball, football, table tennis and volleyball are being played.  It is Belize’s first time hosting the regional competition for athletes below the age of thirteen and, according to Head of Mission Deon Sutherland; things are going rather smoothly, despite the stringent budget.


Deon Sutherland, Head of Mission, Belize

“We played yesterday morning and yesterday afternoon we had the opening ceremonies at the Marion Jones and so today the games continued in the afternoon.”


Isani Cayetano

“In terms of any progress with the respective games or what have you, can you share anything with us?”


Deon Sutherland

Deon Sutherland

“Well I know yesterday we won volleyball, male and female.  In football we drew male two-two with Honduras and we lost in the females.  In the basketball we lost male and female to Panama.  Table tennis that is basically scored a little differently so I won’t be able to give all the results of that because we have singles, doubles, male and female.  So that’s a little more complicated, but I believe from the results we are doing okay in table tennis as well.”


Isani Cayetano

“In terms of being able to facilitate this entire series of tournaments, if I may, how have we been able to deliver on being the host country this year?”


Deon Sutherland

“Well you know it has been a struggle.  It has been a struggle in putting this together in such a short time.  If you recall it was only since February the minister went and signed on to actually host the event and then after that the planning start.  I mean when you are planning for a six hundred thousand dollar event with about two hundred thousand dollars, so that kind of makes it difficult.  Nonetheless, I will tell you, from the past two meetings we have held with the heads of mission because we meet every morning at seven, for the past two meetings we’ve had they’ve been very much impressed and satisfied.  Of course, you know with everything there are little glitches which we iron out as the day goes by but so far we have had no major complaints from the Orange Walk, Belize, Belmopan and Cayo.  So we’ve had good success in terms of the hosting, the hospitality, the hotels, the food, that has been going good.”


Isani Cayetano

“Now in terms of Belize’s overall performance in CODICADER 2016, do you have any projections as to where we will rank in the overall scheme of things?”


Deon Sutherland

“Well again, as we keep mentioning, in terms of this category, this age U-13, it’s not a matter of how you rank because every child will get the same medal.  It’s a gold medal and it is more a participation.  The ranking is basically on paper and if we look at that technically I believe we will do well. We will do well.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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