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Jul 11, 2016

Another Accused Murderer Walks Free

Sanjay Lino

Twenty-two-year-old Sanjay Lino has been acquitted of the murder of Ernesto Myvette after being on pretrial detention for almost five years.  The deadly shooting took place in Sand Hill Village in October 2011.  The charge against Lino was dropped when Myvette’s son told the court that he could not positively identify the accused as one of three persons who allegedly robbed and killed the grocer.  Fifty-three-year-old Ernesto Myvette was shot twice to the body during the incident, before his attackers made off with his firearm.  During their escape, the men reportedly opened fire on Myvette’s son.  Lino was initially charged with jointly, along with two others for the crimes of abetment to commit murder, before being indicted solely for Myvette’s murder.  Shortly before midday today, Lino was cleared of the charges as a result of insufficient evidence linking him to the homicide.

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