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Jul 20, 2016

Fourteen-foot Croc Killed in May Pen Following Drowning of Minor

On Sunday, a fourteen-foot crocodile attacked and killed eight year old Adrianna Moody as she swam with cousins and an aunt in the river that traverses the village of May Pen, Belize District. Despite an attempt made by the mother to rescue Adrianna from the jaws of the croc, it disappeared under water with the minor. May Pen residents scoured the river on Monday morning and two miles from the area where the little girl was snatched, the crocodile was found with Adrianna still in its grip. Several shots were fired at the large reptile and it released the body, which was later retrieved by Coastguard and Police officers. Today, ACP Broaster told News Five that they’ve recovered the carcass of the crocodile.


ACP Edward Broaster, Regional Commander, Rural Eastern Division

“The body of the crocodile was discovered, the carcass of the crocodile was discovered yesterday about six-forty-five p.m. in the river in the May Pen village area.”



“Can you confirm how the crocodile died?”


Edward Broaster

ACP Edward Broaster

“Gunshot wounds.”



“How have you all been able to confirm that that is indeed the crocodile that killed the girl?”


ACP Edward Broaster

“Because like I had briefed the media earlier, the resident of May Pen say the crocodile with the child in his mouth and shot the crocodile and that was when it released the child and we found the crocodile yesterday at six-forty-five.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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