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Jul 20, 2016

Rural Eastern Division Police Crack Human Smuggling Ring

The Rural Eastern Division police were able to crack what seems to be another smuggling ring in the Belize District. On Tuesday afternoon around three o’clock, officers stationed at Crooked Tree intercepted a group of nine Honduran nationals, who it is believed were making their way north to cross into Mexico. While Assistant Commissioner of Police Edward Broaster refused to release details of how the illegal immigrants were caught, he did tell News Five that there is an international ring leader involved in the smuggling.


ACP Edward Broaster, Regional Commander, Rural Eastern Division

“Well yesterday, our officers stationed at Crooked Tree intercepted nine Honduran nationals; three females and six males, who were in Belize illegally awaiting to be transported further north. They were brought in and handed over to immigration authorities.”


Mike Rudon

“What were the details of how they were found?”


Edward Broaster

ACP Edward Broaster

“The details of how they were found, we will not release at this time because it will then put in jeopardy some strategy that we have in place for future operations.”



“Sir, do you all have an idea or have any leads as to who the ring leader is smuggling these people into this country?”


ACP Edward Broaster

“We have an idea; I can say that it is an international ring linking Salvador, Guatemala, Belize and Mexico.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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