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Jul 20, 2016

P.U.P. on B.T.L. Arbitration Award

John Briceño

The B.T.L. arbitration award, as well as the economic impact of having to dole out hundreds of millions of dollars to compensate for the nationalization of the utility company, remains a matter of national importance.  While it has taken a backseat because of the bizarre murder of Pastor Lucas, it is very much alive in the public discourse.  This afternoon, Leader of the Opposition John Briceño spoke of the economic effects of the hefty payout for the B.T.L. nationalization which, he says, only benefited Prime Minister Barrow and his family.


John Briceño, P.U.P. Leader

“The nationalization of B.T.L. was solely for political mileage and nothing else. Since 2009, the Belizean people have not seen their quality of life improved. The service of B.T.L. has gotten worse and the cost of electricity has increased. I listened keenly this morning to the Prime Minister’s interview on Love FM. He tried to explain this scandalous and some are saying illegal sellout agreement that the Prime Minister alone brokered in Miami with Lord Ashcroft. It was clear that the Prime Minister had some serious shortcomings understanding the financials of a company. There were instances during the interview whereby he did not know whether he was talking about revenues, profits, cash flows or dividends. He just confused all the numbers. Actually it remind me of a Belizean phrase – yo dazzle them with millions and yo baffle them with bull. The truth is that this B.T.L. fiasco starting with the nationalization and all the way to the Miami sellout agreement was all about Dean Barrow and his U.D.P. politricks. Ask yourself the question. Who benefitted from this fiasco? Certainly Lord Ashcroft benefitted handsomely, but it doesn’t end there. Since the nationalization in 2009, who has been the chairman of B.T.L.? Who is the C.E.O. of B.T.L.?  None other than the Prime Minister’s son, Anwar Barrow. Who is the lawyer representing B.T.L.? Who are the board members of B.T.L.? And you should ask how much are they being paid. The reality is that only U.D.P. cronies and Lord Ashcroft have benefitted from this sellout. While they have benefitted, we the people have lost our future; five hundred and fifty-seven million dollars of it plus interest.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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