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Jul 20, 2016

GSU Commander Replaced Following Investigation for Alleged Sexual Assault

Mark Flowers

GSU Commander Mark Flowers has been pictured grinning from ear to ear, cozily hugging William Mason, but depending on the outcome of an investigation currently underway, he won’t be smiling anytime soon. That’s because Flowers could very well be facing interdiction and criminal charges if allegations of carnal knowledge made against him turn out to be credible. He’s been accused of sexual assault of a fourteen year old minor, and the mother has made a report to the Domestic Violence Unit. Acting Commissioner Russell Blackett explained that by the end of today Flowers’ fate should be known.


Russell Blackett, Acting ComPol

“I must tell you that yes, I was called by the Commander of the North, Sr. Supt. Grinage and he told me certain things on the same topic. I told him to launch the investigation and presently by sometime today I should get the result of that investigation to review the reports and to see what has been said. We want to make sure that it is not malice and that whatever it contains and once it’s true then we take the legal actions. Nobody is above the law, not even myself.”


Russell Blackett


“What is the status of Mark Flowers pending the conclusion of that investigation?”


Russell Blackett

“Right now he is presently on vacation leave, and once we deem or see anything to say that beyond a doubt he is involved then we do the usual thing and move ahead for the interdiction process if that is so.”


Glenn Caliz

John Saldivar, Minister of National Security

“I have not seen the report but I have been briefed by the Acting Commissioner. That is a matter that is being dealt with by the Police and I won’t have any more comment on that except to say that yes I am aware that a complaint has been made and the Police is dealing with that matter.”


Late this evening, we confirmed that Superintendent Flowers has been removed as Commander of the GSU and is being replaced by Inspector Glenn Caliz.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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