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Jul 20, 2016

Speculation of Gapi Vega’s Involvement in Introducing Mason to Friesens Debunked

Dean Barrow

Back to the Prime Minister…According to the P.M., the issue of Mason’s connection to members of cabinet came up during their weekly meeting on Tuesday.  As we have reported, Lucas and the pastors went to Mason’s house to collect monies on behalf of Lloyd Friesen and his wife to whom Mason was indebted to the tune of three hundred thousand dollars to import corn.  When things got sour, Friesen and his wife left for Canada and returned on Tuesday. As far as the assumption that Mason was introduced to the Mennonite couple, Lloyd Friesen and his wife by Minister Gaspar Vega, this morning PM Barrow debunked that speculation.


Prime Minister Dean Barrow

“I tried to find out, was it yesterday, just yesterday in Cabinet, everybody who has an acquaintanceship with the man because I need to know, precisely to be able to answer your questions.  That certainly is not true.”


Isani Cayetano

“We are made to understand that it’s at least six cabinet ministers who have an acquaintance with Mr. Mason.  Correct?”


Prime Minister Dean Barrow

“I really, there can be no question of trying to hide from the fact, but Lord man, just the extent of the questioning makes clear that you all mean to draw more from this than it properly can sustain.  What it can sustain is what it is and I’ve already conceded that optically it is a problem for us politically but I insist there is no suggestion that the acquaintanceship that various ministers had with this man resulted in any kind of impropriety.  I hope to God nobody will try to make the giant leap that seems to be lurking in the wings and suggest that ministers, merely in consequence of an acquaintanceship is somehow guilty by association with respect to crimes that the is gentleman is accused of having committed.  Lord man, we have to draw the line there.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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