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Oct 14, 2016

Belizeans on the Street Ask Government to be More Giving

It’s been officially two weeks since students have not been in the classrooms. Today, a News Five crew took to the streets to poll residents on whether government should give in to all the demands made by the teachers. Here’s what they had to say.


Resident # 1

“Like I have mentioned to friends, we as a society need to be focusing on what needs to be focused and what really affects the mass population and I think that education is one of the things that should never be played with. It’s something that trickles down into the future; it is not something that has an effect that stops at one point. The education you get today leads on to tomorrow; personally to the generation that you bring forth to the country. So I think that yes they should.”


Duane Moody

“The government should give in to what the teachers…”


Resident # 1

“Yes, I think they should. I mean they have done way worse stuff. And I am not only talking about this, the previous administration and I am quite sure when the next administration comes in they will do way worse so why not.”


Duane Moody

“Do you believe that the government should give in to the demands that are being made by the teachers?”


Resident # 2

“Well that is the decision of the Prime Minister; you know weh he seh goes and we can’t fight against him.”


Duane Moody

“But is there a concern; the fact that children are not in school for two weeks now?”


Resident # 2

“Yes, there is a concern yes because the children dehn deh behind time. And then how about the kids in fourth form?”


Duane Moody

“So what do you think should be the resolution? The teachers are adamant about one thing; the Prime Minister about the other.”


Resident # 2

“Yes…it better that yo deal with the teachers right. Give the teachers what dehn ask for.”


Resident # 3

“Yes, Duane I do believe that the government of Belize should honor the eight demands made by the teachers when it comes to the better governance of Belize. Corruption has retarded the development of Belize and less corruption will equal more development for the people of Belize.”


Duane Moody

“In terms of the fact that children are not in schools—it’s been two weeks now—is there a concern that this needs to be resolved as quickly as possible to ensure that the students are not the ones that are affected in the longer run buy this industrial action?”


Resident # 3

“Yes there is major concern that the children are not in school; however, national sacrifice has to be made.”


Duane Moody

“Do you believe that the government should give in to the eight demands of the teachers?”


Resident # 4

“I am not saying the eight demands, but I can see a few of them that I can agree with.”


Duane Moody

“Why do you say this?”


Resident # 4

“Well I believe that we should be more clear with the corruption—we should know what is going on. I mean look what happened to my good friend there; I don’t think things like that should be happening any at all.”


Duane Moody

“Is there a concern for you in terms of children not being in schools? It is now two weeks since they haven’t been in schools and many are of the belief that the chidden are the ones that are being most affected by this industrial action.”


Resident # 4

“Oh of course; I am a parent myself and I wish that my child was in school today. But I also support the teachers because they are not fighting for just teachers; they are fighting for the entire country.”


Resident # 5

“I do believe that teachers should be back in the office and like you mention the students are being affected by this, they are out of school two weeks now. My daughter is out of school two weeks now and so yeah, I do believe that they should sit, negotiate and continue the negotiations or whatever. Give them the three percent, if that’s what they really want, and let this whole thing be done so school can continue. P.S.E. di come up; everything di come up. So I do believe that they should sit with the teachers, decide when they are going to give them the three percent so that they can go back into the classroom so school can resume.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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