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Apr 14, 2009

Sunday Mail apologizes to former British Commissioner

Story PictureIn other news, John Yapp’s posting to Belize as British High Commissioner ended abruptly last year in June when he was accused of unbecoming behavior. Yapp was suspended from diplomatic duties while an investigation into the allegations was ongoing. But a few days ago, the Sunday Mail published an apology to Yapp in respect of articles on July twenty-seventh, August third and August seventeenth, 2008, which carried the allegations of inappropriate behaviour towards women at a social event, the annual Black and White gala. According to the Mail in its April twelfth edition, it was happy to make clear that an official inquiry exonerated Yapp and that he continues to work for the Foreign Office and is eligible for further diplomatic appointments overseas. The Sunday Mail apologized for the distress caused and acknowledged that it paid damages and legal costs to Yapp. As to whether or not he will return on official mission to Belize, that appears will not be case since Patrick Ashworth, the current High Commissioner, has been confirmed to stay in Belize for a longer period.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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