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Apr 14, 2009

4 charged for robbery at K.K. Grocery

Story Picture4 charged for robbery at K.K. Grocery
And while eighteen year old Keon Francis was the target in that shooting, he is one of four persons behind bars tonight for the Robbery of K.K. Grocery, which occurred on April eighth. Francis, twenty-three year old Ryan Felix, twenty-one year old Cruz Allen and twenty-two year old Kiwana March appeared in Magistrate’s Court today to answer to the charge of Robbery. They all pleaded not guilty and were remanded until May nineteenth because they could not be offered bail. The four allegedly stormed into the grocery store on the corner of Gill and Sanker Streets, one of them armed with a pistol, and stole seven thousand dollars in cash and a necklace from storeowner, Song Yu Rong, as she took out her garbage. But they only enjoyed their loot for a mere two hours because police intercepted them on a National Transport bus heading west. One of the suspects threw some money under a seat when he spotted the cops and the cash was recovered during his arrest. Only four thousand dollars of the loot was found.

But the four accused thieves were not the only ones charged in connection with the robbery at K.K. Grocery. Twenty-five year old domestic worker, Elizabeth Godoy, was found in possession of eight hundred and forty-one dollars, which police believe is part of the three thousand dollars that were not recovered from the robbery. Godoy was today charged with Handling Stolen Goods and was offered bail of four thousand dollars after she pleaded not guilty. Magistrate Albert Hoare adjourned her case until May twenty-first. Godoy was reportedly heading for a visit to the Hattieville prison and was travelling on the same bus with the accused robbers. Police say one of the suspects gave Godoy some cash but when she witnessed their arrest, fear got the better of her and as soon as she reached the prison she sent her purse with the money back to the city in a taxi. But the cops were tipped off and they intercepted the vehicle on the Western Highway and recovered the cash from Godoy’s purse.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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