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Home » Trials » Store owner charged for hiring immigrants without work permit
Apr 6, 2009

Store owner charged for hiring immigrants without work permit

Story PictureThe law caught up today with thirty-nine year old Kumar Prakash, owner of K-Park Supermarket, who was charged with two counts of Employing Persons not in Possession of Employment Permits. When he appeared in Magistrates’ Court, Prakash pleaded not guilty, was offered bail of two thousand five hundred dollars and was remanded into custody until April sixteenth. This past Friday, Immigration officers picked up two of Prakash’s salespersons, Honduran nationals Angie Carcamo and Lurvin Ramirez who were employed without proper documentation. Carcamo was working at the store since June of 2008, while Ramirez only started on the tenth of last month. The Honduran nationals were not charged because they will be used as witnesses in the case.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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