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Apr 6, 2009

Terry Felix shot near murder scene of younger brother

Story PictureIn other crime news, two men were shot in Belize City at about five thirty p.m. on April fourth. Twenty seven year old Terry Felix and twenty three year old Edward Thompson were standing in front of Excelsior High School on Faber’s Road when they were shot by a lone gunman. Felix’s mother, Therese was known for her work with Mothers Organized for Peace and ran that organization until the time of her death in October of 2008. Terry lost two brothers, Tyrone and Faron to gun violence. Faron was shot and killed on the same street and now Terry is also a victim of violence.

Terry Felix, Gunshot Victim
“I was on Faber’s Road in front of the Chiney man across from Excelsior when a gunman just stopped and open fire on me and like three more person. Only me and another person got shot. I got shot in my hip, the next person got shot in his foot.”

Jose Sanchez
“People have to ask the question because you’ve had two brothers who passed away from gun violence. Your mother has been against it. Do you think you’re being targeted or was this just wrong place at the wrong time?”

Terry Felix
“I think I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. The person that came, the person that they hold, I saw him several times riding round on different days and time and he never approached me with nothing like that. I don’t have anything with him. So I think I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

Jose Sanchez
“And the extent of your injuries? You’re standing, where were you shot? What was the extent of the injury?”

Terry Felix
“I was shot in my hip. I just got a chip bone but it’s okay.”

Jose Sanchez
“What about the work you took over from your mother. Your mother had this organization against violence and you picked it up. Where is that right now?”

Terry Felix
“Right now we are not functional as a full body because we still need more members to come and help form the organization more properly organize now. We were supposed to have one this Sunday but we didn’t have it again. We cancelled it.”

Jose Sanchez
“What’s the next step for you? You’re recovering, what’s next?”

Terry Felix
“The next step is recovering, trying to continue doing what we doing you know. Try to get peace in the neighborhood.”

Since the incident, police have arrested and charged a fifteen year old minor of Reggae Street for two counts of Attempted Murder, two counts of Use of Deadly Means of Harm, and two counts of Wounding upon Terry Felix and Edward Thompson.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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