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Dec 1, 2020

Will cops’ face-to-face meeting break COVID-19 regulations?

Chester Williams

Later this week the Belize Police Department is also hosting a commanders meeting – that is they are planning to meet in person with their new Minister on Thursday. If we are to go by the numbers – that will bring more than four dozen police officers in one room space. Commissioner of Police Chester Williams says that if the meeting happens they won’t be breaking any COVID-19 regulations:


Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police

“We are planning on having an all officers’ conference, not all officers, a commanders meeting this Thursday and the objective of that is to have the commanders give the minister a brief of their respective area and for the minister and the C.E.O. to get to know the commanders across the country.”


“But sir you have over fifty commanders – if I can’t go to church with more than ten people, how can you have fifty commanders here?”


Chester Williams

“I am sure you have read the regulation and when it says that when it comes to the work setting, arrangements can be made. You don’t have to adhere to social distance protocol, per se, and so what we do is to ensure that the officers who attend the conference wear their PPEs and if there is any infection, the infection is not spread among the other officers so it wouldn’t be in violation of any regulation; that I can tell you for sure.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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