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Home » Defense » Should ComPol Williams be disciplined for leaked audio? Minister of Police says nope!
Jan 20, 2021

Should ComPol Williams be disciplined for leaked audio? Minister of Police says nope!

Did Commissioner Chester Williams go too far in reprimanding the cop who pulled him over during curfew hours? Today the ComPol’s boss, Minister Musa, sounded off on lasts week’s leaked recording. In the recording, Williams is heard telling the officer that he can be on the streets when and how he wants, among other colorful languages. So, should ComPol Williams face disciplinary action for the way he communicated with the cop? Minister Musa tells us what he thinks of the recording:


Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs

Kareem Musa

“I have heard the leaked audio and what I can say is that it is very unfortunate, the choice of language per se. But in any department, whether it is police or BDF, there will always be this type of situations where there is this feeling of insubordination that there would be disciplinary communication coming from the higher ranking officer. So, this is normal. Obviously, I wouldn’t have chosen those particular words to use but I have a difficulty assessing a situation whereby you only hear one side of the story. Obviously, the recording was spliced, it was cut and you only hear the part where the commissioner is actually saying something. So, what led the commissioner to that point? We need to hear that portion. What did the officer tell his superior to get him so upset? I always remind members of the police department, especially the high rank that we are living in the age of technology and so we have to assume that in every situation you would possibly be recorded, whether it is video or audio; so you have to be very careful and choose your words wisely. Again, that is something internal and if you are asking me if any disciplinary action will be taken against the commissioner, absolutely not. None will be taken against him.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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