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Dec 6, 2021

Who Will Replace Auditor General Bradley?

Today news five spoke with Minister of the Public Service Minister Henry Charles Usher about key posts that are becoming vacant with the retirement of senior public officers. Among those are Brigadier General Steven Ortega, who’s retiring from the leadership of the Belize Defence Force and Auditor General Dorothy Bradley, who has hit what many feel is an outmoded public service retirement age of fifty-five. But who replaces Bradley is still anyone’s guess.


Henry Charles Usher, Minister of Public Service, Constitutional & Political Reform

“I have to congratulate and thank Miss Dorothy Bradley for the years of service that she has provided to the country as a public officer. She was the Chief Elections Officer at one time. She has served well as Auditor General; in fact, one of the best Auditor General’s we’ve had in this country. So I am very sad to see her go, but I am happy for her that she has reached her retirement age and she is moving on. As to her replacement, it is a process that it has to go through. We will be advertising that post; when the person who apply comes in, we will have an interview panel set up and we’ll be looking to see who will replace her.”


Duane Moody

“Sir anybody in mind to replace her?”


Henry Charles Usher

“Not at this time. We will have to see the applications coming in first noh.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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