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Jan 11, 2022

Joint Bravo Task Force Carry Out Activities in Belize District

The Joint Bravo Task Force’s motto is “progress through unity” and that is exactly what they are seeking to accomplish in Belize over the next two weeks. The “Keel Billed Toucan” humanitarian and disaster relief exercise is taking place in Ladyville, Belize District.  J.T.F Bravo is a military team out of the United States Southern Command equipped with unique airlift capabilities, and the capacity to quickly respond to save lives in the immediate aftermath of a natural disaster. United States Embassy Charge’ d’ Affaires, Leyla Moses, has described the training as  (quote), “ the United States is demonstrating its commitment to the safety and security of the Belizean people”, (unquote). Leading  J.T.F Bravo is Commander Colonel Steven Gventer. He noted that exercises like Keel Billed Toucan allow U.S forces to drill for a real life event in case they need to assist Belize. Approximately one hundred and fifty U.S Service members are participating in the training. Residents in Ladyville should expect helicopters flying in their area during the training.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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