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Jan 18, 2022

Azariel Loria to Formally Take Command of the B.D.F.

Brig. Gen. Azariel Loria

On Friday, Brigadier General Azariel Loria will be formally installed as the new commander of the Belize Defense Force.  He takes over from his predecessor who demitted office in December.  But, Commander Loria’s ascension and assumption of leadership comes at a critical juncture since the budget for the armed forces has been slashed amid the pandemic. So, how will he be able to move the organization forward despite the cut in finances?  That’s what we asked him earlier today on Channel Five’s Open Your Eyes.


Brigadier General Azariel Loria, Commander, Belize Defense Force

“I have actually taken over command of the B.D.F., effective the twenty-second of December, but then to make it official, the Ministry of National Defense and Border Security decided to have it because it is coinciding with B.D.F. Day. So that will be one big event and a series of events that will culminate with that change of command. The Prime Minister of Belize, the honorable John Briceño, will be there, as well as the Governor General. It starts at 1400, two p.m.”


Marleni Cuellar

“What’s the biggest impact you hope to make?”


Brigadier General Azariel Loria

“In the four years, apart from improving, I know that we are in challenging times, very challenging times, and that was something when I was approached, for me to take command of the B.D.F., I had to think of it seriously, what am I to do in the incoming four years of my tenure? And I said, there is a big challenge with the pandemic.  Countries in the world have been stricken in their budgets, across Belize we were cut, our budgets were cut. So, how is it that we’re going to move the B.D.F. forward?  But, we are not alone, we have our regional partners that continue to help us, we have the Americans that always help us because of our shared interests.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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