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Jan 21, 2022

Brigadier General Azariel Loria Takes Command

Today, at the celebration of the forty-fourth anniversary of the Belize Defence Force, the official ceremonial change of command parade took place at the Sir Colville Young Parade Square at Price Barracks.  Azariel Loria was officially installed as Brigadier General and the new commander of the B.D.F. News Five’s Duane Moody reports.


Duane Moody, Reporting

Dignitaries, including government officials and members of the diplomatic corps began filing in to the parade square at Price Barracks for the installation of a new commander of the B.D.F. this afternoon. Prime Minister John Briceño’s arrival was followed by that of Governor General Froyla T’zalam and the ceremonial activity commenced.

The change of command saw the now-retired Brigadier General Steven Ortega hand over leadership of the B.D.F. to Azariel Loria.  It was a proud moment as members of battalions and the air wing/special boat unit witnessed the historical event. Prime Minister John Briceño spoke about the seamless transfer of authority.


John Briceño

Prime Minister John Briceño

“This routine-ness, if I may use such an expression, is the cornerstone of who we are and what we believe in as Belizeans – a society of free men and women who believe in the supremacy of God and desire to live in a free and democratic nation. And so I am honoured to be with you today to celebrate two significant milestones for the B.D.F. – it’s forty-fourth anniversary in service to the people of Belize and the change of command from Brigadier General Steven Ortega to Brigadier General Azariel Loria. I am honoured more so that even amidst the military pomp and ceremony, General Loria is fully aware that he is here to serve this nation and to uphold our democratic principles and our values which are rooted in our peaceful, constructive, progressive and authentic Belizean revolution.”


In his address, Brigadier General Loria says that under his command, the senior leadership will be required to operate with humility, and make use of lessons on ethical and moral values obtained through professional military training overseas.


Brigadier General Azariel Loria

Brigadier General Azariel Loria, Commander, B.D.F.

“The B.D.F. shall be robust and agile to incorporate new technology embrace change and develop its human resources and capabilities to contribute to the stability, security and prosperity of Belize. This vision is very relevant in the way the B.D.F. conducts its administrative and operational tasks in today’s contemporary security environment. In order that we keep working towards the fulfilment of this vision statement, there must be a buy-in from our senior military leadership. A large organization such as the B.D.F. deployed nationwide, may be difficult at time. With that said, it is my intent to make good use of the senior leadership in building the team because it is not about me, but only from the strength and wisdom of the team that we will achieve that dynamism needed to keep improving and moving the force forward.”


Duane Moody for News Five.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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