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Apr 12, 2022

Politics Aside, Peyrefitte and Musa Join Forces to Tackle Crime and Violence

Michael Peyrefitte

Hard on the heels of a bloody weekend marred by deadly violence and road traffic accidents, the United Democratic Party issued a recorded statement in which the Shadow Minister of National Security took aim squarely at his sitting counterpart. In a televised address, U.D.P. Chairman Mike Peyrefitte, who is also the former minister responsible for police, criticized his successor for the manner in which the crime situation is being handled. He even went as far as stating, “it is now certainly time to put an end to the failed Kareem Musa experiment”. But this morning, they all sat at the same table at Old Belize where they joined forces to mutually address the critical state of crime and violence. Here’s what Peyrefitte had to say following the event.


Michael Peyrefitte, Shadow Minister, National Security

“Our people have completely lost confidence in a police department that is headed by an absentee minister who is more occupied with devising plans to sell cannabis than developing common sense solutions to arresting crimes. The Ministry of Home Affairs is no place for a leader who disappears in times of crisis nor refuses to seek help from the opposition and other social partners as he has done so far. It is now certainly time to put an end to the failed Kareem Musa experiment.”


Isani Cayetano

“It’s an interesting juxtaposition though, that you would be here today on the heels of the recorded statement that you issued yesterday in which you are calling for the removal of the sitting Minister of Home Affairs.”


Michael Peyrefitte

“Well yes, and I don’t change my mind on that. But if the party leader tells me to meet him here because we have a chance to reduce violence in the city and Minister Musa is here, oh what am I gonna do? Beat ah up, have him beat me up? No. We have to try and find a solution, so if a solution comes, even in the presence of Minister Musa, then a solution comes. If he is responsible for solving crimes, if he is responsible for making sure that people don’t live in fear well then I will give him credit for that. I have no issue with that.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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