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Home » Trials » Minor charged for September shooting of Sanjay Lino
Oct 8, 2009

Minor charged for September shooting of Sanjay Lino

Story PictureOn September eighteenth, sixteen year-old student Sanjay Lino was shot in the back and lived to tell the tale. Six days after the shooting that left him in a critical condition, police levied charges of attempted murder on Jeon Peebles. Today a minor was charged with the same offence for the incident. Police say they were unable to get the minor’s mother to cooperate and the charges were read in absentia of the parents. The minor was additionally charged with dangerous harm and use of deadly means of harm and remanded to the Belize Youth Hostel until October twenty-sixth. Lino told police that he was walking on Mayflower Street when he was approached by two armed gun men riding on separate bicycles. They opened fire at him and one shot caught the student in his back. Police recovered twenty four expended shells at the site of the shooting and believe the motive was gang related.

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