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Oct 8, 2009

Union announces solidarity with sanitation workers

Story PictureJust before B.M.L. reached agreement with the council, the Belize Workers Union announced their solidarity with the sanitation workers. News Five spoke to chairman, Horris Patten, and he says they are not happy with the way the situation is being handled and the union feels that central government needs to step in and do some damage control.

Horris Patten, Chairman, Belize Workers Union
“We totally disagree with the way workers are being treated. Not only are we saying we disagree, but we are saying that whatever wrong was committed or done should be corrected and we are referring to all wrongs. We are referring to wrongs because if we could listen to the workers, they are saying they have to get their light cut out, they are talking about different things of that nature. If they are paid all their monies, then to put in the light has a cost. So we are saying all these costs must be bared by the council.”

“Since it is said that the council doesn’t have the finance to pay the company, the sanitation company, that the government should step in and ensure payments to all these people, ensure that the payments find a way to continue without any disruption, that the workers would be able to be properly compensated for all their losses and at the same time, as I explained to you, put in place something that we don’t have den yah kind ah occurrence. This is the way we feel, that it should not occur again. Now I really don’t know how the council really operates with revenues and taxes and different things like licensing and different ways how they get their finance, but I think the government should ensure that workers who work for the council are guaranteed their salary.”

Patten also stressed that if the councillors can be paid, then so should the B.M.L. employees because they also work for the council.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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