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Oct 6, 2009

Justices issue statement on Bar Association controversy

Sitting justices hardly give interviews, almost never, nor is it customary that they issue press statements. That protocol was broken today, with a statement from the justices of the Supreme Court. The unprecedented statement is lengthy, four pages in all, and according to Chief Justice Abdulai Conteh, self explanatory. It starts on the principle that the judiciary itself should avoid public controversy, attention and debate to be able to discharge its responsibilities to the people and the public of Belize. So what prompted the statement? It is in response to a recent proposal before the Bar to invite the resignation or cause the removal of Justice Samuel Awich for delayed judgments in several cases.

According to the statement, delays in delivering judgments are caused by a number of factors outside the control of the Judiciary, such as the number of judges and vital resources necessary for the functioning of the Judiciary. The historic statement from the Judiciary launched a number of broadsides. Even the Attorney General was subject of judicial comment. The statement says that it has been a virtual declaration of an open season on the judiciary. It “this unfortunate and regrettable development reached a high point this year when no less than the titular head of the Bar, as a profession, the Attorney General himself on a formal occasion in open court launched a wholesale attack on the judiciary and the magistracy and even charged the latter of dispensing only justice. This, the judiciary viewed as more than ruffling the feathers.”

According to the statement, the Judiciary views with dismay and disappointment the attempts from several quarters in the Bar Association to undermine the public confidence in the name of the delay in the delivery of judgments. And referring to the recent action by the Bar Association, the judges say it is scandalous and invites political interference by seeking to impeach judges for late delivery of judgments.

With this blazing response from the Judiciary News Five attempted to contact the president of the Bar for a comment. He was unavailable but we will follow up with him tomorrow. Viewers are reminded that at its last meeting the Bar deferred until the end of the year a decision on its resolution to start proceedings to remove Justice Awich. This unprecedented and deep divide between the Bench and Bar seems to be heading for a showdown. Stay tuned.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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