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Oct 6, 2009

Body found floating in Mopan River left for 24 hours

Story PictureTurning to crime, Benque Viejo police have an unidentified man who was discovered floating in the Mopan River less than a mile from the western border. The Hispanic man was found around two-thirty on Monday afternoon lying face down. But while identity is one issue, contamination of the river is another concern the residents have. Marion Ali reports.

Marion Ali, Reporting
Clad in only a white t-shirt, blue jeans and no footwear, the corpse had no marks of identification and Benque police have had no report of a missing person. Identifying the man has been a problem for police, who have been guarding it since Monday.

Inspector Claudio Mai, O.C., Benque Viejo
“We pulled the body more to the side of the river and are waiting fro Dr. Estradabran to carry the post mortem procedures of the law.”

Marion Ali
“Any signs of foul play at first glance, first observation? Any distinguishing marks like tattoos, bruises?”

Inspector Claudio Mai
“There were no signs of violence on the body. What my police are reporting is that he had a probably a surgery scar below the navel.”

Mario Hernandez helped police secure the corpse.

Mario Hernandez, Helped Police Secure Body
“Nobody wanted to jump in so I jumped in a canoe and I went and I tie him but the rope burst middle river so I had to follow him up the river and then I tie him up an I brought him here.”

Marion Ali
“I understand the T-shirt he is wearing is advertising a bank from Melchor, do you think he is from that side?”

Inspector Claudio Mai
“Well, I did not want to speculate on that. We know that Belizeans do go over there and they would buy any T-shirts or so I didn’t want to speculate if he’s a Belizean or a Guatemalan.”

And while police are still asking the public to help them identify the man, there is another concern attached to the story. The body was kept in the river for almost twenty four hours after it was found. And that has resulted in the residents avoiding the river for fear of contamination.

Mario Hernandez
“It’s bad for the health because most people drink this river.”

Marion Ali
“The guy, you know him?”

Mario Hernandez
“No, first time I see him. I got no idea who he is but it’s bad for the health, leaving a body on the river side and police chasing the crowd. People—watch all around here, you don’t see nobody washing because of the body. From yesterday it’s there and whole day today again and maybe tonight and tomorrow. That’s rough. To me it’s rough. Being a resident from the neighbourhood I say it’s rough. To me it’s rough.”

Marion Ali
“What water are you drinking now?”

Mario Hernandez
“I drink rain water. I drink rain water.”

Marion Ali
“And the washing?”

Mario Hernandez
“Pipe water from the server.”

Inspector Claudio Mai
“We do not want to really to tamper with the body unless the expert is here to see that. We don’t want to obstruct whatsoever other things that he, in his expertise can deal with. So we don’t want to move him around. We have to do what we need to do and sad to say, we didn’t have all the things that we would like to have but my officers are really open to that likewise, open to the danger.”

Marion Ali
“So that’s the norm here when you find a body in the river, it’s kept in the water until the forensic expert arrives?”

Inspector Claudio Mai
“Not routinely, what happened in this case we have Dr. Estradabran, he was pretty busy in other cases of post mortems and we are fully aware countrywide we had some problems and he still has been so busy during these few days.”

Up to news time the man was still not identified and the post mortem was still ongoing. Police have taken pictures to help in identifying him. Reporting for News Five, Marion Ali.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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