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Oct 5, 2009

Farmer drowns in Progresso Lagoon

Story PictureIn the village of Progresso meanwhile, a farmer drowned when he fell off a skiff in the lagoon. On Saturday afternoon, Bernhord Schmitt was testing the water vessel, when he lost control and went under water. He screamed for help, but eyewitness could not reach him in time. Hours later, a search team found Schmitt’s body. A friend of Schmitt told News Five about the tragic ending.

Voice of: Friend of Deceased (Translated from Spanish)
“The man was on a skiff and at the same time, he was alone on the skiff and he fell off the skiff. He was screaming for help and but they could not reach him and he drowned. There were many of us. I’m not sure exactly how many but there were about fifteen of us. The man was trying out the skiff to buy it.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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