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Oct 5, 2009

Caye Caulker residents want new officers on the island

Story PicturePolice had two suspects detained for questioning after fifty-one year old Lorleen Young was robbed and brutally murdered last Thursday. But when we checked today, no charges had yet been laid. And while that matter is under investigation, the Caye Caulker Neighborhood Watch Program says there are many other crimes that the cops simply ignore. In fact, the neighborhood watch director, Alberto Villanueva, told News Five that they are extremely unhappy with the performance of the officers at the sub-formation on the island.

Alberto Villanueva, Dir., Caye Caulker Neighbourhood Watch Program
“We have a lot of tourists that go there when they were subject to petty crimes and they are actively discouraged by the police officers not to pursue or go ahead with any type of court action. They are basically told even if the culprit is known that they have to come back for the case. And what we are telling them is that yes, they might have to come back but a crime is a crime is a crime and we cannot let these culprits get away. This is the most ineffective police force we have had in Caye Caulker since the establishment of Caye Caulker. It’s the worst we have seen by far. We know—we have seen in months like in July, it’s been the worst crime situation ever and we have other organizations like the B.T.I.A. that have written various government departments and even the prime minister asking for assistance. That’s all we are asking for is to have an effective police force; people that are willing to work with the neighbourhood watch and willing to carry out patrols. We actually have the resources, Delahnie, to even help the police department but we need the law enforcement officers on our side as well.”

Delahnie Bain
“The release mentions also that you’re calling for the immediate replacement of all the officers that are working out there.”

Alberto Villanueva
“That’s exactly right. We want all of them to be removed. Some of them, to be honest with you, are hanging out with the drug sellers on the island and it doesn’t look good in terms of an image for your country.”

Villanueva says all their concerns will be addressed during a March for Peace in Caye Caulker on Thursday.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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