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Oct 5, 2009

Opposition calls for mayor to take leave of absence

Story PictureThe focus has shifted within the U.D.P. from the allegations of unaccounted funds of two hundred and seventy five thousand dollars, to the conduct of the Mayor and what she said about the Prime Minister. But not so for the People’s United Party, the opposition is calling on the Mayor to take an immediate leave of absence. According to a P.U.P. release, City Hall continues to be plagued by scandals. It cites the more than ninety thousand dollars in overpaid salary collected by the Mayor, and the hundreds of thousands of dollars in “under-deposits” to which no one has been made to repay. The opposition also condemns Councilor Philip Willoughby for recommending the sale of the Commercial Centre and historic City Hall and rejects what it calls is a misguided suggestion to nationalize sanitation in Belize. And finally, the P.U.P. calls on the Prime Minister to address these issues, as well as the criminal activities, going on at City Hall.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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