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Oct 1, 2009

Senior citizens parade through streets of Belize City

Story PictureThe mission of HelpAge Belize is to provide the elderly with an environment that enhances dignity, self-esteem, and their well-being. To celebrate its silver anniversary, the organization has been holding a month of activities to highlight the true sense of its motto. Jose Sanchez was on hand to share the moment with the senior citizens.

Jose Sanchez, Reporting
Four hundred senior citizens marched from the Belize City Center to Landivar Gymnasium at S.J.C. this morning to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of HelpAge Belize.

Evan Dakers, President HelpAge, Belmopan
“If older people can take a walk from the City Center to SJC gym, especially in this hot sun right now, it shows that we have a lot to give and they want to show the people of Belize that they should not be taken for granted so I think it is very significant that the parade took place.”

HelpAge’s chairman says that today is also the International Day of Older Persons.

President Elias Awe, Chairman, HelpAge Belize
“Bringing Hope and Dignity to Older persons in Belize. We are now celebrating the tenth day for older persons in Belize as it began in 1999 by a decree of the United Nations. This is part of the senior citizens week, which we have been celebrating for the last ten years and this one runs from the twenty-seventh of September to the third of October and there are activities throughout the country of Belize.”

The senior citizens came from every district and had valuable life lessons to share with the country’s youth.

Natividad Allison, Dangriga Branch, HelpAge
“I am very proud and happy to see how all of us gathering especially since we are elders. That’s why these young people, they might not get old because they are killing one another today. This is a message for them that we have to take care of our old people.”

Paul McCord, Belmopan Branch, HelpAge
“It’s a good gesture to recognize that there are a number of people elderly people in this country and we should recognize them as such. Take care of our elderly people and this goes out to the youngsters in this country, if you live this long then you should be recognized. Nowadays the problem we have with youngsters, people are dying very young and this is an example that they just have to look around and see the older people and take an example from the older people. If you take care of the older folks you are setting a precedence for yourself if you live that long. And the way things are going today I’m not sure how many of us and how many of them out there will live to this age to see elderly people in a gathering like this.”

Marie Ferguson, Corozal Branch, HelpAge
“It was very good, very pretty, I love to see it, only because I was you know… from the first time I reach so far, but I love it. I love it you know.”

Evan Dakers
“I was extremely happy to see a number of old people taking their slow walk in this boiling sun hot. So I think it’s an indication of their strength and their determination to show us that yes, you might be old in age, but you are strong in spirit.”

And with strong spirits, the four hundred plus senior citizens will continue to thrive as they march through the autumn of their years. Reporting for News Five, Jose Sanchez.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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