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Oct 1, 2009

B.D.F. soldier gets knocked down on Northern Highway

Story PictureAnd a traffic accident on the Northern Highway landed one man in the hospital. After eight-thirty last night, an SUV driven by Mariano Williams, collided into the back of a bus. The impact pushed the bus a few feet further and it knocked down twenty-four year old Jose Hun, a B.D.F. soldier. The driver of the bus Sidney Wade received lacerations to the side of his head, a cut on the left side of his hip, abrasions to his left shoulder and right leg. One of the witnesses who was on the bus, related the accident to News Five.

Sharmane Garcia, Witnessed Accident
“The bus stopped just in front of Benny’s Apartments. It didn’t pull off on the side of the road, it just stopped. I felt this pushed like something hit the vehicle. I looked out the window at this very same time and that’s when I saw that someone got hit and flew in front of the vehicle. It was a rodeo coming from behind that hit the bus and then hit the man standing on the side of the road. Weh happen, two men, I believe soldiers, were coming across the road to catch the bus. Upon reaching near the bus that’s when everything happened so quickly, right because by the time we felt the impact, that’s when the body flew also. At first I thought it was somebody coming off the bus, but after we got out and everything we found out that it was the guy who was trying to come across to catch the bus. His lower half was kinda twist and he had some serious injuries to the head. He was moving—no sound or anything like that—but he wasn’t as conscious. The friend was actually trying to speak to him in the beginning and he was responding to that. After that though he just went quiet.”

Jose Hun is still in the Accident and Emergency Ward of the K.H.M.H. He is in a stable condition.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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