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Oct 1, 2009

B.N.T.U. discusses teaching services commission

Story PicturePublic schools throughout the Belize District were closed today but it wasn’t because of the Influenza. The Ministry of Education closed the school doors for the Belize National Teacher’s Union Belize District Branch’s meeting. The program stated that the morning consultations would be about the contentious teaching service commission and the afternoon would be dedicated to their Annual General Meeting. But there was some miscommunication as many teachers were of the belief that the Ministry of Education would be present. But the ministry didn’t show up and that didn’t make the mood any more pleasant in the crowded King’s Room at the Princess Hotel and the teachers have been apprehensive about the amendment of the education act. George Frazer, Administrative Secretary of the B.N.T.U., says that there are a lot of ambiguous language in the proposal. The union supports the commission in principle, but Frazer says the proposal needs fine-tuning.

George Frazer, Secretary General, N.T.U.C.B.
“The union agrees with the principle as we know and understand it because a lot of people understand to make sure that people follow the rules. If you have rules and people are not following and doing their own thing—there are lots of problems right now. That’s why we see the need to regulate. They have been changes, for example, the original thing was that there will be twelve numbers, now the numbers have gone up to sixteen, the churches have been given a seat, instead of one parent, there will be four and there are other recommendations. So the numbers, how many people will be in the commission are changing and yes a few other areas.”

The new executive committee of the Belize District Branch of the B.N.T.U. was selected in the evening. The new president for the executive committee of the Belize City branch is Kathleen Flowers and Joel Wade is her vice.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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