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Sep 6, 2011

UWI Pelican Awards recognizes 4 outstanding Belizeans

E. Nigel Harris

Dubbed the region’s premier tertiary institution, The University of the West Indies has produced countless Caribbean leaders and pioneers in different fields. Annually, the UWI honors graduates of its institution who have contributed significantly to their alma mater or territory at their Pelican Awards. This year, for the first time, UWI Alumni Association Belize Chapter is hosting its inaugural Pelican Awards, recognizing four outstanding Belizeans. Vice Chancellor, Professor E Nigel Harris is in Belize for the event.

Professor E. Nigel Harris, Vice Chancellor, UWI

“The Pelican Awards that we’re having on Thursday night are really designed to recognize prominent members of our alumni community for their achievements, achievements either in the context of Belize or achievements on a global scale.  We believe this is important, we have some hundred thousand alumni the University does now in its sixty two years and we believe in every one of our fifteen countries there are a number of people to celebrate. And this particular opportunity for us enables us if you will to show off to Belize some of our and your proud products.”

Paco Smith

Paco Smith, President, UWIAA, Belize Chapter

“In regards to the awardees, we have four imminent Belizeans who have graduated from the University of the West Indies at one point or another and their names may be quite familiar to you. They include, Dr Carla Barnett, Dr. Kenrick Leslie, His Excellency Sir Colville Young, the Governor General and Dr. the Honorable Lennox Pike. It’s a momentous occasion because it’s a peer of honor that’s been given out since 1968 throughout the various territories that are a part of UWI. For Belize, it’s our first time and it’s going to be very exciting because it’s not only an award ceremony because we’ll also have entertainment; live entertainment from talented local artists for example, we’ll have the Grace Primary School Steel Pan band, we’ll have the Wesley Praise Singers, we’ll also have a performance from young and upcoming artist, Mr. Shawn Saldano. We’ll have a bit of comedy from Ms. Lauren Burgess so the list goes on and on in terms of the festivities we have plan for Thursday night.”

The Pelican Awards will be held at the Bliss and starts at seven p.m. In the next few days Professor Harris will be meeting with government and non-government officials to discuss matters related to the UWI and Belize.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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