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Sep 13, 2011

The most votes win the prize in KTV Duets

Monday’s KTV Duets; it was a different night, but the show had the same hype and energy that the fans have come to expect. In fact, it was even more exciting because the Group B duos shifted things into high gear in their last chance to qualify for the semi-finals. The performers came out with carnival and Punta beats as well as rap and Reggaeton hits. The audience and judges could not be more entertained by the mix of talent on the Bliss stage. Here’s a look back at Group B’s Monday night performance.

{Highlight of performances…}

If you haven’t voted yet, make sure you text the number of your favorite duet to 3838 before midnight on Sunday to keep them in the competition. And remember that the show takes a break next Tuesday for the Independence Day celebrations, but returns on September twenty-seventh with a bang as the semi-finals get underway.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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