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Mar 3, 2016

Pediatric Mission Planned for Belize District

Khandice Tillett

A group of twelve doctors from the Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters in Virginia, U.S.A. is visiting Belize this weekend for a pediatric mission across Belize District. It’s the fifth year that the contingent will be conducting clinics for patients twenty-one years and younger. Through fundraising efforts by Friends of Pediatrics and the US team of doctors, the pediatricians along with the Ministry of Health will be carrying out the clinics at five locations including San Pedro, Ladyville, Maskall, Port Loyola and Crooked Tree. Executive Director of World Pediatric Project told News Five more about the clinics.


Khandice Tillett, Executive Director, World Pediatric Project

“We have a team coming in from Virginia and they will be arriving on Saturday and then they go out to San Pedro. That’s the first day; that’s going to be on Sunday and the clinic starts around nine o’clock. They’re going to be seeing patients from birth to twenty-one years. They are going to be doing general pediatric care so they can just bring out their kids for basic checkups. The second day is going to be on Tuesday because Monday is a holiday. So Tuesday is going to be in Ladyville at the Ladyville Community Center. On Wednesday it is going to be in Maskall at the Maskall Health Center. On Thursday it is going to be in Port Loyola at the Port Loyola Health Clinic and on Friday it is going to be in Crooked Tree at the Crooked Tree Health Center. All the clinics start at nine o’clock.”


Duane Moody

“I know you said it is general pediatric care, but could you elaborate on that? What kind of services they will be giving?”


Khandice Tillett

“Well for instance if you have a child that has a rash or a child with maybe constant tummy aches and you are not sure what the child has, but you know that something is going on with the child, you can bring them to get a general checkup and it is going to be free.”


Duane Moody

“Now you said this is not the first time that they are here.”


Khandice Tillett

“No, this is not the first time that they are here. In the previous years, they’ve been to Orange Walk District, they’ve been to Corozal, they’ve also been to Belize Rural and now they’ll be going to these areas that I listed before.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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