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Will Costa Rica’s Screwworm Crisis Impact Belize?

Recently, the government of Costa Rica issued a state of emergency after two hundred and three cases of screwworm were detected among various animals such as cattle, horses, pigs, sheep and dogs.  Screwworms are a species of parasitic fly that is well known for the way in which its larvae eat the living tissue of […]

Investigation Still Ongoing on Belize City Meningitis Case

At the end of January a child attending Holy Redeemer Primary School began exhibiting signs and symptoms of meningitis. The Ministry of Education took precautionary steps to protect the remainder of the students at the school. The child remains hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit at the K.H.M.H. and today, the Minister of Health and […]

Bernard Says Free Vaccines Are Fit For Use

The United States government recently donated four thousand, eight hundred doses of Pfizer-BioNTech Bivalent vaccines to the Government of Belize. However, the Center for Disease Control stated on its website that these vaccines are no longer viable to be used as they target a strain of COVID no longer circulating. We asked Minister of Health […]

Belize’s First Health and Nutrition Expo

Healthy habits, healthy schools, healthy Belize”, that is the theme of the first Health and Nutrition expo held today the Belize Civic Center. The expo was held in order to encourage healthier habits and bring awareness to health concerns threatening the young population. Several primary and secondary schools attended the event earlier today, where they […]

New CT Scan Machines Are In The Country

The new CT Scan machines are officially in the country. Belizeans have been anticipating the arrival of the new equipment ever since it was announced that they would arrive in late January. While January may have passed without the arrival, the wait is finally over. Minister of Health and Wellness, Kevin Bernard brought us up […]

Case of Meningitis Reported at Belize City Primary School

A Belize City primary school student has reportedly been diagnosed with meningitis. Today the Principal of Holy Redeemer Primary School, Leticia Waight circulated a notice to parents and guardians of the school’s lower division to advise that the Infant One student was present at school on Monday for the morning session and that the school […]

The Fight To End Smoking In Belize

According to the National Drug Abuse Control Council, Tobacco is the third most consumed substance in Belize, trailing only behind marijuana and alcohol for the past several years. The reports indicate that a higher number of youths will continue to consume tobacco as long as it remains readily accessible on the local market. As a […]

Are Women Taking Heed of Cervical Cancer Risks?

January is observed as cervical cancer awareness month and while the numbers show that quite a lot of women are falling victims to the disease, the Belize Cancer Society has been offering education about the risks of cervical and other forms of preventative cancer. Cervical cancer is caused by the human papilloma virus, but there […]

Cancer and Available Treatment for Belizeans

Only this week, a distraught mother took to Facebook to speak of the plight her nine-year-old child was enduring because she had no access to bone marrow treatment. While bone marrow treatment is advanced specialized care that is available in other countries, Longsworth says there is a general hospital in Merida, Mexico where children can […]

News Five Investigates Child Mortality at Public Hospitals

In part one of our Hospital Horrors investigative series, we told you about the nightmarish experiences of Leah Woodeye, Deon Woodeye and Nayomi Guerrero, two separate experiences at two different hospitals.  Tonight, we take a closer look at some specific points they highlighted from their encounters. We also hear from Doctor Natalia Beer the Maternal […]

News Five Investigate Infant Mortality In Belize

The infant mortality rate in Belize decreased by almost fifty percent in the last two decades, according to the Pan American Health Organization. But, in the face of this encouraging statistic, there are hospital horror stories that many families are still trying to come to terms with. In 2018, Leah and Deon Woodeye lost their […]

Child Diagnosed with Meningitis Dies

There is sad news tonight about the nine-year-old child who was on life support with meningitis. News Five learned that he passed away earlier today, just as family and friends were planning to hold a prayer vigil for him on Saturday in Belmopan. Jayce Brown, a student at United Evergreen Primary School, fell ill last […]

Two Students Treated for Meningitis

A nine-year old child is critically ill in the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital, diagnosed with meningitis, a life-threatening illness that affects the spinal cord and the tissues around the brain, and can be infectious and deadly. And today, a second child, aged five, who shares the same day-care facility with the nine-year-old, also fell ill […]

Medical Teams Have Been Dispatched to Investigate

Diaz-Musa says that the Ministry of Health is in the process of dispatching teams to each family that had interaction with the children and will monitor their cases for the next two weeks. The canvassing will not only include the schools, and the daycare facilities, but also the neighbourhoods where the children live.   Dr. […]

The Different Types of Meningitis Explained

Diaz-Musa explained the difference with the different types of meningitis that people can become infected with. She explained that the first child’s case was a bacterial infection that caused the meningitis. While one type can be deadly, the others can be treated but they can all have lasting impact on the patient.   Dr. Melissa […]

Tourism and Health are Critical to Belize’s Economy

The Regional Tourism and Health Program is an initiative that addresses the health, safety and environmental sanitation threats to tourism, with the goal of strengthening countries’ capacities to prepare and respond to public health threats.  The program is being carried out by the Caribbean Public Health Agency, CARPHA.  Earlier today, a delegation of health and […]

Tourism, Health and Belize’s Terrestrial Borders

The health of Caribbean economies is closely related to the health of its travel and tourism industry since the Caribbean is the most tourism-dependent region in the world.  Doctor Lisa Indar is the Director of Surveillance, Disease Prevention and Control at CARPHA.    Dr. Lisa Indar, Director, CARPHA “It has been quite a successful experience.  […]

Climate Change Affects Health

At COP28, Canadian medical professionals protested for climate action, advocating for a just phase-out of fossil fuels. They highlighted the severe health consequences of climate change, including the spread of diseases, extreme weather events causing injuries, disruptions in healthcare, and impacts on food and water security. On Health Day at COP28, global donors pledged more […]

Latest HIV Statistics for Belize

Every year on December first, World AIDS Day is observed to raise awareness about HIV and AIDS. It is also a day to pay tribute to those who have passed away due to AIDS-related illnesses and to show support for those living with HIV/AIDS.  This morning, the Ministry of Health and Wellness released the latest […]

Discarded Batch of HIV Tests Found Floating in Haulover Creek

Residents in the vicinity of Conch Shell Bay were disturbed this afternoon when they discovered medical waste floating nearby in the Haulover Creek.  What made matters worse is that the refuse was a batch of discarded HIV tests, including needles and other related paraphernalia.  It is unclear where the waste originated from and just how […]

Health Ministry Recalls Anti-Allergy Syrup

Earlier this week, the Ministry of Health and Wellness issued a mandatory recall for Alergo Anti-Allergy Syrup, which is produced by Pharmix Laboratories (Private) Limited. The contaminated medication was identified in the Maldives and has also been distributed in Laos and Belize. Alergo contains an antihistamine that blocks the effects of histamine in the body. […]

The Toxic Effects of Alergo

According to Doctor Samouge, toxic effects include abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, inability to pass urine, headache, altered mental state, and acute kidney injury leading to death.  Individuals exhibiting these symptoms after using the medication should seek medical advice and report their use to the attending medical officer.   Dr. Chrystal Samouge, Chief Drug Inspector, Ministry […]

Neonatal Unit Could Use More Assistance

On Wednesday, we showed you the life-saving services that the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the K.H.M.H. is providing for premature babies and full-term newborns with complications. The unit caters to twenty-six babies and while it cares for neonates that weigh a little over a pound, more successes at saving the lives have been recorded. […]

K.H.M.H Neonatal Unit, Saving Babies One at a Time

Each year, since 2011, November seventeenth has been observed as World Prematurity Day. This year, the day will be celebrated with the theme: Small Actions, Big Import: Immediate Skin-to-Skin Care for Every Baby Everywhere. The occasion gives visibility to the problem of premature births and to raise awareness of the needs and rights of premature […]

MOHW Removes Fees Charged at Public Hospitals

This week, Cabinet approved the removal of all fees charged in public hospitals. A cabinet release says that this will ensure universal access to quality healthcare by eliminating financial barriers. The release further states that removal of the fees will enhance healthcare accessibility for all citizens, especially the most vulnerable. The new regulations took effect […]