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Mar 3, 2016

Outgoing Taiwanese President to Visit Belize in March

Ma Ying Jeou

Taiwan’s Outgoing President Ma Ying Jeou is scheduled to visit the Jewel on March sixteenth and seventeenth, as part of a farewell tour of three countries, including the United States, Guatemala and Belize.  The official visit by the head of state, his second since 2009, precedes the inauguration of the fourteenth president, Tsai Ing-Wen.  Taiwan’s first woman president assumes office in May.  Ma Ying Jeou’s trip to the Americas, according to Ambassador Benjamin Ho, includes a full itinerary.  Upon arriving in Belize, the final leg of his tour, the outgoing president will call on Governor General Sir Colville Young, as well as Prime Minister Dean Barrow.  Earlier today, we spoke with Ambassador Ho.


Benjamin Ho, Taiwanese Ambassador to Belize

“This trip is very important for President Ma; he expressed his special attachment to the country visits. There are only three countries that he is going to visit including Belize, Guatemala and United States. So you can imagine Belize has a very important part in his heart.”


Benjamin Ho

Isani Cayetano

“In terms of logistics and the planning process in terms of putting everything together so the visit runs smoothly. What has that been like and what are some of the calls or stops that he will be making once in Belize?”


Benjamin Ho

“He is going to fly from the United States to Guatemala and then Belize. Of course there will be an inclusion of high ranking officers including reporters, media from TV and papers from Taiwan. There will be a lot of logistical work to be done. The staff from my embassy we are preparing all this now, working closely with our counterparts from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We are trying to make sure that his trip here is comfortable and as smoothly as possible.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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