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Belize Joins Partnership for Atlantic Cooperation

United States Ambassador Jessica Lapenn concluded a whirlwind visit to Belize earlier today where she met with senior members of the Briceño administration, as well as several civil society organizations.  The trip was occasioned by Belize’s recent inclusion to the Partnership for Atlantic Cooperation, an initiative established by the U.S. government in September of last […]

Understanding the Importance of PAC

According to Ambassador Lapenn, in joining PAC, Belize will adopt the Declaration on Atlantic Cooperation. She then went on to mention that Atlantic states are also linked by common challenges that threaten livelihoods and exacerbate food insecurity.   Jessica Lapenn, U.S. Ambassador “There are a lot of new and different challenges, particularly in the climate […]

Belize Reaffirms Established Partnership with E.U.

The Government of Belize has reaffirmed a longstanding partnership with the European Union with the signing of a Green Growth, Trade, and Border Management Program.  The initiative will funded by the E.U. as part of a financing agreement for twelve point six million Euros, the equivalent twenty-seven million Belize dollars.  Present at today’s signing was […]

Strengthening the Partnership Between Belize and E.U.

Ambassador van Steen emphasized the importance of the partnership between Belize and the E.U., as well as the new program which has the potential for significant transformational potential for economic prospects in southern Belize, particularly along the border with Guatemala.   Marianne van Steen, E.U. Ambassador to Belize “It was very important, this agreement.  It […]

Belize Network of NGO’s Set Striving towards Good Governance

The Belize Network of N.G.O.’s alongside the Belize Audubon Society has launched a new project with the objective of bolstering society’s democratic foundation. The project, funded by the European Union, seeks to increase capacity building for local civil society organizations, elevate gender equality and amplify the voices of youths, and marginalized communities such as people […]

Minister Hyde Weighs In On Maya Land Rights Situation

The Ministry of Indigenous People’s Affairs was in Big Falls Village over the weekend to consult with residents on the Draft Maya Land Tenure Policy. A release from the ministry states that the consultation exercise was a success. The release noted that villagers gave valuable insights and perspectives. The community is viewed as one where […]

Government’s Financial Contribution to Delineation Process in Toledo

Deputy Prime Minister Cordel Hyde was also asked about government’s investments into the delineation process in the Toledo District. Several organizations have reportedly invested significant sums into the process. But, does the Government of Belize have a budget to contribute to the efforts? Here is what the Deputy Prime Minister had to say.   Cordel […]

Meet the Candidates for the Dangriga Town Council Elections

On March sixth, the electorate will go to the polls to vote for a municipal government in their respective city or town. Until then, the political parties are visiting with voters in their area and presenting their platforms on which they seek office. The U.D.P. team consists of mayoral candidate, Hubert Lucas and councillor candidates: […]

What Are the Municipal Issues in Dangriga?

The campaign efforts were as vibrant in Dangriga on Sunday as they probably are in all other cities and towns, with the municipal teams for the various political parties making their rounds. In the blue corner are the incumbents, Mayor Robert Mariano and his team and in the red corner are the hopefuls, led my […]

BPD and Human Trafficking Institute signs MOU

The Belize Police Department and the Human Trafficking Institute has solidified their efforts in the fight against human trafficking and smuggling. On Thursday, the department and the institute signed a Memorandum of Understanding. Through the partnership, the Human Trafficking Institute will provided needed support to the Belize Police Department to decimate human trafficking in Belize. […]

Shalliney Oliva: Set to Audition for AGT

Fourteen-year-old Shalliney Oliva has a dream to share her gift of singing with the judges of America’s Got Talent.  If she makes it past her virtual auditions on February twenty-fifth, she may be the first Belizean to showcase her talent on one of the world’s biggest stages. We visited her in San Ignacio to learn […]

Will Belizeans In The Diaspora Ever Be Able To Vote?

With the ongoing elections in El Salvador, Belize has set up a polling station to accommodate Salvadorans living outside of their home country. With this in mind, the question was raised as to whether or not Belizeans living abroad will ever be afforded the same right. Here’s what Foreign Minister Francis Fonseca had to say […]

Belize Still Trying For A Schengen Visa Waiver

For years, Belizeans have had to travel to Mexico in order to apply for a Schengen visa, which is a permit allowing visitors to enter the Schengen region, which comprises of twenty-seven European countries. The question of whether or not Belizeans will ever be allowed a waiver this visa was posed to Minister of Foreign affairs, […]

Belize Sends Condolences to Chile on Deadly Wildfires

The Government of Belize has sent a note of condolence to the Government of Chile on the loss of over a hundred persons in recent raging forest fires. The fires in the Valparaiso region have ravaged central Chile for several days and have claimed more than a hundred lives with more than three hundred persons […]

G.O.B. to Tie Up Loose Ends Ahead of Haiti Mission

Foreign Minister Francis Fonseca has also weighed in on recent developments in the Kenyan High Court regarding a humanitarian mission to Haiti.  A team of fifty Belize Defense Force soldiers is presently training with their Canadian counterparts ahead of the mission, but a lot hangs in the balance now that the Kenyan government hasn’t received […]

Bernardo Arevalo becomes Guatemala’s 52nd President

After hours of delay and chaos in Guatemala’s congress, Bernardo Arevalo was finally sworn in as the country’s fifty-second president. Arevalo and his party, Movimiento Semilla, faced strong opposition from government officials after they won the elections by a landslide in August 2023. Final attempts to prevent Arevalo to take office happened on Sunday in […]

PM Briceño says Guatemala will Respect ICJ Ruling

Prime Minister John Briceño says that he hopes to strengthen diplomatic ties with Guatemala under an Arevalo Administration. One of the key topics that PM Briceño hopes to further discuss with President Arevalo is the prolonged Sarstoon Protocol, emphasizing the urgency of collaborative efforts to prevent narco influence. As it relates to the International Court […]

COP28 Closes with Promises of a Better Belize

The 2023 United Nations Climate conference has come to an end after two weeks of negotiations, with several pledges in favor of Belize having been secured, in Dubai. The conference, also known as Cop28, is an annual summit where government officials from across the world convene to discuss how to counteract climate change and repair […]

U.D.P. Stands with Guyana in Territorial Dispute with Venezuela

The United Democratic Party has come out in full support of the preservation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Guyana.  The U.D.P. stands with CARICOM, the Commonwealth of Nations, as well as the Organization of American States in calling for Venezuela to respect international law and abide by the 1899 arbitral award, the 1966 […]

Monique Vernon Represents Fragments of Hope at COP28

Another young Belizean who is participating in COP28 in Dubai is Monique Vernon. On Saturday, Vernon will participate in a panel discussion where she will share the successes and challenges that Fragments of Hope has had in protecting and preserving corals in Belize. She says that the aim is to share knowledge and gain knowledge […]

Opposition Leader Attends Forum on Venezuela-Guyana Conflict

On Sunday, Venezuelans voted overwhelmingly to annex Essequibo, a disputed and oil-rich territory of Guyana. This is territory that the Venezuelan government claims forms a natural part of their country and asserts that it was unfairly delegated to Guyana more than a century ago. This week, the Leader of the Opposition attended an annual three-day […]

Funding for Climate Vulnerable Cities

In a panel discussion at COP28 in Dubai, Mayor Sheran Palacio of Belmopan, addressed the critical need for funding to enhance climate action and innovation in cities. The event, hosted by Multilateral Development Banks, emphasized the challenges faced by local and regional communities in the wake of climate disasters, particularly affecting vulnerable populations. Mayor Palacio […]

AOSIS Battles for Climate Financing at COP28

COP28 continued today in Dubai where climate finance is taking centre stage. It is crucial for adaptation, addressing damages, and achieving low carbon development. The urgent need for mitigation is underscored as vulnerable nations face escalating impacts. Despite pledges at COP28, there is a gap between promises and actions. Belize, as a Small Island Development […]

Belize to Host Inaugural World Sustainable Travel and Hospitality Awards

Belize has been chosen to host the inaugural 2024 World Sustainable Travel and Hospitality Awards, announced at the iconic Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai. Recognized for its commitment to responsible tourism, Belize aims to showcase its sustainability practices on the global stage through this event. News Five’s Hipolito Novelo is in Dubai and was […]

Loss and Damage Fund Pledges “Chump Change”

COP28 in Dubai has seen pledges to the Loss and Damage Fund totaling just over six hundred million dollars, a sum dismissed by leaders from small island developing states (SIDS) as “chump change.” While acknowledging the positive aspect of pledges, leaders of the region say the monies need to be mobilized, as vulnerable countries like […]