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Home » Education, Health » UWI Hosts ZIKA Symposium
Mar 4, 2016

UWI Hosts ZIKA Symposium

A few weeks ago, the University of the West Indies (UWI) marshaled a task force consisting of its best medical practitioners and experts for the express purpose of fighting the Zika virus. With transmission reported in six Caribbean countries, the issue has become important enough that it was on the agenda of the recent CARICOM Heads of Government summit in Placencia. The task force called a two-day symposium which began in Barbados this morning. There, regional and international experts are discussing the threat and impact of Zika in the Caribbean. The regional university explains that it is all about preparation. With the extent of future spread difficult to predict, an aggressive approach should minimize the impact. UWI’s medical department, as the premiere school of medicine in the region, sees itself as the natural agency to accept the challenge that Zika poses to us. Guest speaker, Minister of Health for Barbados John Boyce, told the gathering that cooperation is the best way to ensure the health and safety of the Caribbean’s citizens. With much of what we know about the virus evolving, he said, UWI’s appointed task force can lead the way in research and strategy to combat Zika. The symposium continues on Saturday.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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