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Mar 4, 2016

Foreign Minister Elrington Says Belize has no Defense Guarantee

Wilfred “Sedi” Elrington

In an extended and exclusive interview this morning with Foreign Minister Wilfred Elrington, we touched on a long list of pressing issues in respect of the Sarstoon waters in southern Belize where the Guatemalan military has been illegally entering Belize’s territorial waters. Last Saturday, it was patently clear that the military blocked the Belize Territorial Volunteers from proceeding on a planned trip to Gracias A Dios. On a previous expedition in 2015, there was a confrontation with the BTV when the Guatemalans also formed a blockade. Elrington acknowledged that since Guatemala is claiming the area, that country is not to be taken lightly. Besides that, he says, Belize has no defense guarantee. 


Wilfred “Sedi” Elrington, Minister of Foreign Affairs

“You have two countries claiming the same thing you can only resolve that by some decision that is taken that both parties are prepared to accept. What would be our response if the Guatemalans started to come across and say “Belize es nuestro” let’s take it. Our defense, our military people, will have to take action because that is what they are being paid for, that is what they are being trained for. So it’s the same thing with the Guatemalans, they say it is theirs so they will not countenance people going across as if it is ours. It’s a reality; the British understood that, George Price understood that, all of us understood that. And it is only in recent times, I don’t think anybody else there than Will Maheia and the other people here in Belize who are encouraging him and sponsoring him and instigating his actions. These are the only people who have encouraged this type of behavior. It never existed before I was born and between forty-eight and between two thousand, maybe ten, twelve, I never heard of this kind of thing happening. Now you don’t take the Guatemalan lightly because it was in 1948 that they first threatened to invade Belize and because of that the British Garrison was stationed in Belize and between 1948 and 1981 the British had to strengthen their Garrison they had to send down the Arc Royal which is a their Aircraft carrier. The British took the threat of the Guatemalans very seriously and they understood the consequences they would have from a military invasion or incursion by Guatemala; we have to understand that. We have no defense guarantee; there is absolutely no nation in the world that has agreed to guarantee our security. The Americans are guaranteeing the Chinese, they are guaranteeing the Japanese, they are guaranteeing the South Koreans, we have nobody guaranteeing us and the British has made it clear to us, they are taking an even-handed policy and the difficulty in trying to solicit sympathy on the international community with respect in this kind of activity is that the international community understands fully the ramification and implications of what is going on; because there is nothing, nothing recent about this.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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6 Responses for “Foreign Minister Elrington Says Belize has no Defense Guarantee”

  1. Marie says:

    You never let your enemies know your strategies/secrets like this openly, with more reason they will keep inching into Belize.

  2. Ryan martinez says:

    The government of belize should invest in our arm force and the Guatemalan now that we’re a small nation but will defend ourselves at any means necessary.

  3. Steve says:

    Well, well… for sure the British government and the UDP have an agreement behind the scenes to make sure this matter goes to the ICJ and, I suspect, to award Guatemala what it wants. Why would the British military top ground commander come to tour Belize a few days before the last general elections, when the Guatemalan threat and the UDP non-responsiveness were issues? That clearly made many Belizeans think that all was well because the British would defend Belize. Fools! Sorry for being so direct. Despite people in the news clarifying that such appearance/visit does not represent any official defence guarantee for Belize, they went ahead and voted back in this pack of wolves in sheep’s clothing! I smell many millions of quetzales for these red wolves. Or is it being given them in “youess” dollars?

  4. dejavu says:

    It’s clearer to me why independence under PUP maintains the 8,867 sq miles. If Belize had gotten independence under UDP our border with Guatemala would be at Sibun River.

  5. Joe says:

    UDP, what a shame they can’t stand in defense of our sovereignty
    Dean Barrow has let the ball drop, high time the minister elrinton goes and put his foot binnhis mouth. But again it’s the so called unpatriotic Belize-ans to blame also ad they don’t give two f**k about there home land.

  6. Belizean Pride says:

    really ? and what is your government doing for a scenario of a proposed war? Why didn’t the gov. taught about it so we can get prepared instead of wasting time and finance in things of less interest. We need a military upgrade badly and you know it but what is the plan of the gov. Wait till some country come and say can I help you. Waiting won’t help we have to do something quick and precise in military form.

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