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Mar 4, 2016

A Guatemalan Poacher is Shot South of Chiquibul Forest

There is a confirmed report tonight of a Guatemalan national being shot in an area south of the Chiquibul known as Cebada.  Brigadier General David Jones told News Five earlier this evening that a B.D.F. patrol came into contact with civilians in the vicinity.  There was a brief exchange of gunfire which resulted in the poacher being injured to the leg.  Details of the incident are sketchy since the detachment is presently out of contact.  We are informed however, that the wounded illegal hunter is in the custody of the unit which is making its way on foot out of the area.  The Organization of American States will be asked to verify and submit a report to the governments of Belize and Guatemala on the exact location where the shooting occurred.  The government of Guatemala, we understand, has already requested verification.  Cebada remains a region within the Chiquibul Forest where agriculture is presently a concern.  Recent information from Friends of Conservation and Development indicate that there are active fields in the area.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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1 Response for “A Guatemalan Poacher is Shot South of Chiquibul Forest”

  1. MNHG says:

    He is lucky to be alive ! after all this is belize, land of the humble and loving people.
    In years past, like those old chiclero days,when Belizeans crossed into Guatemala to get the sap from the chicle trees, they were shot dead ontop of the trees and no questions asked !!!
    There must be a grandfather or great grandfather living who can testify this as true. So that Guatemalan poacher is fortunate that he violated our loving Belizean laws and NOT his OWN countrys` laws !!!

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