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Mar 9, 2016

Tourists Jacked at Altun Ha

Eight tourists who came in on a cruise ship today and opted to visit the very popular Altun Ha Archaeological Site off the Old Northern Highway are probably regretting that decision. That’s because six of them were robbed by two armed men as they walked along a nature trail on the ninety acre reserve. While today is cruise ship day and the site is generally crowded, the robbers either by coincidence or plan picked a time when cruise buses had already left. This afternoon, the site was closed as police combed the area for the two robbers who they believe are likely from the area. News Five spoke to Assistant Commissioner of Police Edward Broaster as he waited for word back from his officers on the scene.


ACP Edward Broaster, Regional Commander, Rural Eastern Division

“At 1:10 yes, we did receive a report of a robbery at Altun Ha site where we dispatched Rural Rapid Response Officers as well as the Sand Hill and Maskall police. Right now we are scouring the area. We had a tour whereby eight tourists were on that tour; six of them chose to take a nature walk through a trail where they were exploring the different medicinal trees and so forth. When they neared the pond, two dark-skinned male persons came out and accosted them—one with what appeared to be a black nine millimeter pistol and the other one with a machete—held them up and relieved them of their valuables. At this time we are searching the area and interviewing other people from the area to see if we can discern who the suspects may be.”


Mike Rudon

“In terms of other tourists at the site at the time, we know that today is cruise ship day, were there other tourists around?”


Edward Broaster

ACP Edward Broaster

“From what I gathered, the last tour bus had already left the area so that tour was independent of the other cruise ship tours. The bigger buses, the last one had left.”


Mike Rudon

“In terms of a tour guide…was there a tour guide along with these tourists, the six of them that were accosted?”


ACP Edward Broaster

“Yes, there was a tour guide who had took them at that location.”


Mike Rudon

“Now we visited the site just now…it is a remote location. I believe it is ninety acres of land. Have you all been able to determine the presence of park ranger at the time when the robbery occurred?”


ACP Edward Broaster

“From our investigation, there was not adequate security at that time.”


Mike Rudon

“Is this something that you will be looking at? I know that you are very concerned about all security within your jurisdiction and this is something…Belizeans tend to take examples from the wrong things.”


ACP Edward Broaster

“Right, we had this discussion already with operations from Belize Tourism Board and as well as the Tourism police unit. There should have been police officers there from the tourism unit until the park is closed so we’ll have to find out the reason why they were not at the location at the time.”


Mike Rudon

“Have you been able to speak to them because we saw the tourism police vehicle patrolling around with officers?”


ACP Edward Broaster

“Right, the tourism police vehicle now is there along with some of my officers to check out the area and see if they can locate these robbers.”


News Five understands that the eight tourists were ferried back to their cruise ship immediately after the accident, since it was scheduled for departure. The two perpetrators got away with an undisclosed sum of money, assorted phones, jewelry and electronic items.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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8 Responses for “Tourists Jacked at Altun Ha”

  1. Spike says:

    I think the tourists should be very cautious and consider Hawaii for their tourist destination and their tourist dollars.

  2. Primary Thief, Ali BaBarrow says:

    Welcome to Belize!

    We thieve visitors! Kill expats! and destroy international investments!

    Soon we will have a full war with Guatemala, that will last 15-30 minutes!
    And we have no friends! Screw the US, UK & EU!
    We are that stupid and pompous.

    Welcome to Belize, soon-to-be department of Guatemala!

    1 Guatemalan Quetzal equals 0.13 US Dollarfbd3

  3. David P says:

    Forgive me for stating the obvious but this is bad for tourism and bad for Belize. Very bad.

  4. Hatari says:

    Once again, lack of supervision of our police officers. Why weren’t the tourism police on the job?

  5. Belizean Pride says:

    hope their parents and close family ain’t feeling the big impact this fools and scum are doping to our crumbling nation. some parents and family love when theirs go robbing and have no feel of guilt but is shot and killed they’ll come crying to the media for attention.

  6. grandfinale says:

    I always look fwd to Ali BaBarrow

  7. Me says:

    Hatari, they were looking for a drunken Belizean to beat to death.

  8. QwertyJuan says:

    Not good at all.. I’ve been thinking about returning to Belize soon (was there a few years ago… I live in Canada) but stuff like this makes me think twice. What a shame. I love the Belizian people.

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