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Mar 10, 2016

2 Men Detained for Altun Ha Tourist Jacking

At around one Wednesday afternoon the majesty and mystery of the Altun Ha Archaeological site was shattered by the reality of crime in Belize. Six tourists off a cruise ship and Belizean tour guide Clifford Hoare were accosted by two men – one armed with a machete and the other armed with a nine millimeter pistol – as they hiked along a nature trail. The men made off with money and jewelry and luckily no one was hurt. Police acted swiftly and we can confirm at this time that two persons from the area are detained and are being questioned. But how could something like this happen at one of our most popular and heavily trafficked archaeological sites? On Wednesday, Assistant Commissioner of Police Edward Broaster told us that Tourism Police who were supposed to be there until closing were not. He told News Five that there was not adequate security at the site at the time of the incident.  A release from the Ministry of Culture today expresses concern at the incident, stating that “this was a crime of opportunity that presented itself when the group visited a somewhat isolated section of the site. The criminals who had entered through the bushes in the back seized the opportunity to commit their robbery.” The Ministry claims that there was adequate Police and security presence at the Archeological Site.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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2 Responses for “2 Men Detained for Altun Ha Tourist Jacking”

  1. Spike says:

    Remember … Hawaii is an excellent vacation alternative. It’s a lot safer too.

  2. Hatari says:

    Here we go again. Ministry says the security “was adequate.” If so, where in the hell were the Tourism Police? I know that you can’t prevent all crime from happening but you can supervise the officers that were supposed to be on the job. So once again, lack of supervision has resulted in another crime. This applies across the entire police department.

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