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Mar 11, 2016

3 Men Get Supreme Court Bail Today

Adolphus Palacio Jr.

A trio of men charged individually for crimes committed, appeared before Justice Adolph Lucas this morning in the Supreme Court.  Twenty-one-year-old Adolphus Palacio Junior, Eustace Lewis and thirty-year-old Shawn Hemmans applied for and successfully secured bail for a string of offences, including robbery.  Palacio, a resident of Mahogany Heights, was charged with two counts of robbery, two counts of aggravated assault and one count of conspiracy to commit robbery after allegedly robbing a pair of tourists at the Tropical Education Center in La Democracia.  Palacio was chopped with a machete by a man whom he reportedly robbed of his vehicle during the holdup.  That incident occurred on February seventh.  This morning, he was granted bail in the sum of ten thousand dollars, plus one surety of the same amount.  He returns to court on April twelfth.  Meanwhile, Eustace Lewis, a known associate of the George Street gang, is accused of having sex with a minor.  He was arraigned a week ago and was initially denied bail due to the nature of the offense.  He also appeared in the Supreme Court earlier today where he was granted bail in the amount of five thousand dollars, plus one surety of the same amount.  The last of the three men, Shawn Hemmans, a Belize City tour guide, was charged jointly along with Ivan Fitzgibbon for the crime of grievous harm.  He is accused of badly beating up twenty-eight-year-old Justin Flowers whilst socializing at a Chinese store on Sixth Street.  Flowers was punched in the face before being hit in the head with a beer bottle and struck in the mouth with a length of two-by-four, causing him to lose several teeth.  Hemmans was also released on five thousand dollars bail, plus one surety of the same amount and is due back in court on April eighth.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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1 Response for “3 Men Get Supreme Court Bail Today”

  1. lawyer alert says:

    Who does the family of the next victim sue for allowing these guys to get bail yet AGAIN? It’s like comedy central up there.

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