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Mar 11, 2016

World Pediatrics Project Partners With K.H.M.H.

This Sunday, the World Pediatrics Project is partnering with the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital for yet another round of clinics. The multispecialty clinic starts at eight a.m. and persons twenty-one years and younger will be able to visit with U.S. doctors in areas of urology, spinabifida, bracing and nephrology. News Five spoke with Project Manager Khandice Tillett today about the event that will cost patients twenty-five dollars to be screened by U.S. specialists.


Khandice Tillett, Project Manager, World Pediatrics

“If the spinal cord protrudes from the back or the child has a lump…anything suspicious with the back, an opening, some of the cases go by undiagnosed. So they are welcome to come to the clinic. Our urological conditions include genital deformities, ambiguous genitalia, bladder problems, un-descended testicles, kidney stones, enlarged kidneys, urinary problems. We have braces and totics that’s includes kids that have spinabifida…a lot of times they have problems with their legs so they require bracing to walk. And also kids with CP. So we are inviting these patients to come out. Even if you have a doubt, something is wrong with the child’s foot and the way they are walking looks different, you can bring them and they can get a checkup and if they require a bracing then our team measures the foot, makes a cast and they create a custom-made brace. We now have a clinic fee that all the patients that come to the clinic needs to pay and that’s twenty-five dollars.”


Khandice Tillett

Duane Moody

“In the past two weeks, we’ve seen several clinics popping, basically you guys organizing these clinics. Why is this important?”


Khandice Tillett

“Well these clinics are important because we don’t have these services in country and it is pretty affordable—some of the clinics are free, but now we charge twenty0five dollars on behalf of the hospital. But the service we don’t have the specialty here in Belize. Like in Belize, we don’t have a pediatric urologist; we have an adult urologist so now this is the chance for everyone to bring out their kids to the doctors.”


Duane Moody

“If there is any follow up for these patients, will those services also be offered if they would need to go outside of the country for further treatment? Is that part of what the program offers as well?”


Khandice Tillett

“Yes, we also have a U.S. referral program. So what they do is the screening, the consultation and all of that. If there is a case that can’t be done in Belize, we have a program that we facilitate a U.S. referral for the kids to go up to the states.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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